Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Diet juice (juice)
The word diet is now in the mouths of all. Half the world seems to be trying to lose weight or, some win. Or just change the food.
The truth is that the use of the phrase "I will put on a diet" is a mistake, and we are always in some kind of diet, our food is a type of diet. But in the sense that is commonly used, the diet is employment due to certain foods in a healthy subject or patient.
Well, experience shows that not always the simple fact is enough to get on a diet to lose weight. For one, it is true that should always be accompanied by changes in eating with an exercise program appropriate to allow the burning of energy, to eliminate the reservoirs of fat.
But as important as the proper physical work, is to find the proper system of food there to finish with our problem, the proper food combination for our type of organization, for our particular metabolism.
The poor selection of the diet has resulted in the almost inevitable failure to achieve our goal. And with all the effort and deprivation that usually results in a diet, it is true that we do not like to spend weeks on a diet to follow exactly as before, or, with luck, lose a few kilos.
Up here, a comment about diets in general and why it is important the correct choice for them.
Even with its flaws, remains the chosen path (and easily followed) to lose weight. Therefore, we must ensure is properly selected diets.
Those who have already dealt with more than one will have an idea of what they find most useful and why, and how effective short and long term are those that have tried. For them the choice, therefore, will be easier.
But what about those who do not have enough experience? Well, for them, we have prepared a short overview of the most common types of diet that can be found at present, together with their main advantages and disadvantages.
Juice diet
It is a diet that is based on the premise that for a week should take only natural juices, both vegetable and fruit (those that are our preference).
This diet does not allow the use or sugar or any kind of sweeteners, salt or additives, only pure and natural juices completely, or at best diluted with a little water.
Of course, the natural juices are not absolutely prohibited, so let us forget that they come in envelopes.
Pro: The results are very noticeable and will really be satisfactory, since the calorie consumption is very low, pulling nearly zero. But most of the weight loss is liquid water, which, as it loses too fast, it recovers very quickly.
In addition, we can say that many people think that natural juices have powers "rejuvenating" and that this type of diet allows the body to be cleaned of impurities. It also tends to have very good effect on the state of the skin.
Against: As you might imagine, which is considering this diet is an extreme change in eating practically total fasting. This has severe effects on metabolism, changing the speed of a particularly violent. And get this way with the metabolism tends to be a good idea.
And to make life a little more complicated than ever is wrong, go back to the consumption of solid food after the diet is not simple. The stomach has lost the habit of consumption of solid and needs time to re-adapt to them. We must do so slowly, trying not to overburden or forcing food or poor digestion difficult "softness" to the digestive process.
Conclusion: As I said, playing with the metabolism so extreme is not a good idea, and even less so if we do not have the assistance of a physician or an expert in nutrition and diets.
Fasting is not good under any circumstances and for such long times is a way of looking for trouble if we do not have a clear idea of what we do, scientifically approved (doctor visit).
And, finally demolished this diet, then it will most likely begin to gain weight again, even if we keep a more careful diet or eat less.
Why? Because the body has suffered a crisis in their food and that's the kind of things that he likes to protect. Therefore, after the bad time will try to keep in reserve enough power for any new famine.
And it shall follow the method that it has: increased fat deposits in our body. As simple as that.
Benefits of Aloe Vera Juice
At present, the gel of Aloe Vera, has become very popular for its wide use in cosmetics, hygiene and skin care. But its use, is also very beneficial to our health, being an excellent complement to our diet. Aloe Vera juice contains nineteen amino acids, twenty minerals and twelve vitamins, making it an excellent natural nutritional supplement.
Daily drinking between 50 and 100 ml. Aloe Vera Juice provides many health benefits. It helps dilate capillaries and support cell growth by improving the circulation, regulates blood pressure, promotes healing of bones and joints, heals internal tissue damage and ulcers, strengthens the immune system, improves and even eliminates constipation, defends body against bacteria, helps to regulate blood sugar, aid in the healing of psoriasis by reducing the itching, and also provides a sense of well being and energy.
Aloe Vera Juice and Weight Loss
One of the biggest benefits that Aloe Vera can bring to our health (and health of society), is its ability to assist weight loss.
Aloe Vera works to reduce and stabilize the body mass index, stimulating the liver cells to burn more energy. Energy from fat and carbohydrates that our body stores.
Another reason why the Aloe Vera helps to lose weight is a high protein content of collagen. Andalusia drinking Aloe Vera juice daily, the body has to expend additional energy to assimilate protein collagen in your system.
Aloe Vera also reduces the amount of time food remains in the intestine, which means it absorbs less energy from food.
As we see, we can derive the benefits of taking regular Aloe Vera juice are abundant. However, we must exercise caution, excessive consumption may produce adverse effects. And, in rare cases, could be an allergic reaction. But in the vast majority of cases, and taking the recommended dose, will experience the tremendous healing power of Aloe Vera juice.
Based diets Grapefruit Juice
Plan-Based Diet Grapefruit Juice
The diet ensures a loss of 10 pounds in 12 days without hunger. In addition, you can make 3 meals a day with a snack before bedtime.
This diet is intended merely to be a starter for the dietitian.
Wherever you see the word grapefruit, you have the option of eating half a grapefruit or drinking 8 oz glass of grapefruit juice without sweetening.
For breakfast: Grapefruit + 2 eggs prepared as you like + 2 slices of bacon.
For lunch: + Grapefruit Salad with dressing of your choice + any meat you want.
For dinner: Salad with Grapefruit + dessert of your choice OR a red or green vegetables prepared with butter and spices & meat or fish + 1 cup of coffee or tea.
For your bedtime snack: 1 cup of skim milk.
If you are considering starting a diet like this, you should keep some things in mind. A: It is a very strict diet. Two: You will lose important nutrients that are not included in the diet. Most foods are good for your health when consumed in moderation. If you want to start any diet, eating a balanced diet, do plenty of exercise and rest are much better ways of doing so. A balanced diet consists of eating food from the 4 groups. With the diet from grapefruit juice, you're cutting a couple of pit food groups.
It is believed that grapefruit contain unique enzymes that are used to burn fat. Previously, it was made known arguments against the base diet with grapefruit juice. That changed thanks to a group of researchers at the Scripps Clinic in San Diego decided to study the diet was seen as a myth for years. The researchers divided a group of 100 individuals with obesity in three subgroups. One group consumed ? grapefruit before each meal, one drink a glass of grapefruit juice before each meal, the third and final group did not consume grapefruit or grapefruit juice during the tests. Individuals in the group which consumed half grapefruit at each meal lost 3.6 pounds on average, those who took the juice lost an average of 3.3 pounds. A few individuals belonging to some of these groups lost nearly 10 pounds. Meanwhile, individuals in the group who did not consume grapefruit or grapefruit juice or not submitted virtually no weight loss beyond a pound. Researchers have developed theories that suggest that the grapefruit diet, based on the grapefruit juice helps to control insulin. Once the study was completed, the individuals who ate or drank grapefruit juice had lower insulin levels in the blood when the study began. And those who consumed no grapefruit, levels were kept constant.
Some medicines for lowering cholesterol levels, blood pressure or for antihistamines can interact with grapefruit juice. However, most medicines are not affected by this. Talk to your doctor or pharmacist if you want to start a diet of grapefruit juice and talk about whether your medications may be affected by consumption of grapefruit juice.
Nutritional values of grapefruit juice.
Grapefruit juice contains only about 90 calories per serving, with virtually no fat, 0% of sodium, potassium 9% and 8% of total carbohydrates. Grapefruit have 20g of natural sugars, and only 1 g. protein. Grapefruits are high in Vitamin C, 100% to be exact. Other essential vitamins it contains are: Thiamin 6%, 2% Niacin, Folic Acid 6%, Calcium 2% Vitamin B6 4%, 6% magnesium, and Vitamin A 12%.
Vitamin C in grapefruit helps take care of your body of harmful elements that could damage your immune system. This is especially important for mothers who are pregnant, because vitamin C promotes the growth of the baby, and helps absorb iron in other foods.
NOTE: Did you know that drinking a glass of grapefruit juice before eating spinach helps your body absorb between 2 and 4 times that normally absorb iron? This is due to its high content of Vitamin C.
The potassium in grapefruit juice helps to maintain body fluids and helps stabilize blood electrolyte. Potassium also helps to contract muscles, and download energy from protein, fat and carbohydrate metabolism through.
Thiamine in the grapefruit juice helps transform food into positive energy that the body uses. The calcium helps bones and teeth to grow, maintaining the synchronized arterial pressure, and keeps the muscles of the body to function. Grapefruit juice is a fresh source of calcium and lactose free. Magnesium helps your body to create energy, and also works with calcium to keep bones and teeth. Folic acid is found in grapefruit juice is very important for the configuration of DNA and cell separation, and when consumed regularly, can help reduce the risk of certain birth defects. Folic acid helps to adjust the levels of plasma in the body. In recent studies, we found that low levels of folic acid may be related to decreased energy levels, depression and even memory loss.
Niacin (or vitamin B3) helps metabolize the food we eat into energy your body uses. This vitamin is also used for restoration and support the body in its use of calcium. Vitamin B6 assists the body to process proteins and carbohydrates from food and helps create hemoglobin. Vitamin B6 also works in combination with folic acid metabolism in plasma. It has been discovered that the absorption of advanced plasma is a risk factor for heart disease. Vitamin B6 helps the body convert cysteine in plasma and reduce the amount of plasma in the blood. This also acts as a powerful antioxidant against free radicals that can damage cells, DNA and proteins. Pink grapefruit juice and red ruby contains lycopene that may help prevent heart disease.
Scientists believe that these mechanisms are derived from plants closely related to the fight against cellular damage. Unlike common nutrients (proteins, fats, vitamins, minerals) has not been determined how much fotonutrientes suggested that these should be eating in your daily diet. Furthermore, the importance of fotonutrientes is becoming clearer and more researchers are finding more benefits, such as enabling nutrients to work more efficiently. Grapefruit juice contains more than 150 natural fotonutrientes addition of the flavonoids identified.
Diet and Weight Loss - 48-Hours of Hollywood Diet
Also called the Diet of the Celebrities.
This diet allows the weight loss in just 2 days. You will feel great while losing weight. In the first two days, you should not eat food, only juice and water that should be administered. Since the juice contains all the nutrients and minerals needed. After the success of weight loss program in two days, again with light and healthy meals. Consume more fruits, vegetables and less meat, sugar, flour, fats ..... Exercise at least 30 minutes a day, five times a week.
Caa juice sugar diets for growing-finishing pigs: effects on behavior and production traits Caal
Sugar Cane Juice in Diets for Growing and Finishing Pigs: Effects on Growth Performance and Carcass Trait
A study was conducted to evaluate the productive performance and carcass traits in 50 pigs (initial weight 25 kg) fed diets based on sugarcane juice (JCA) given ad libitum as the main source of energy, from the weight initial 25, 30, 40 or 55 kg, compared with a control diet based on maize as the main source of energy. During the growth phase there was no advantage in performance when pigs were fed from 55 kg JCA and also during its final stages and throughout the experiment. The features of the canal revealed no difference as a result of the introduction of the JCA in the diet of pigs. The results indicated that the CAB can be given ad libitum to the pigs from the earliest stages of growth and, possibly, dietary intake of protein may be reduced.
Keywords: sugarcane juice, behavior, pigs.
A study was conducted to evaluate growth performance and carcass traits in 50 pigs (initial weight 25 kg) fed diets based on sugar cane juice (SCJ) as the major source of energy given ad libitum since the initial weight of 25, 30, 40 or 55 kg. A control diet with no SCJ was also evaluated. During the grower phase there were advantages in growth performance when pigs were given 55 kg since SCJ, but these differences were not evident amongst treatments neither during the finisher phase nor during the entire experiment. Carcass traits did not revealed any difference as a result of the introduction of SCJ in the diet of pigs. The results indicated that SCJ can be given ad libitum to pigs since an early stage or growth, and that protein supply may be reduced.
Key words: Sugar cane juice, growth performance, pigs.
It has been suggested that the sugarcane juice (CAB) may be the greatest source of energy in countries where sugar cane is one of the major crops [20, 21, 27]. In this sense, the removal of water from the CAB is not a necessary operation in the small-scale swine production. Furthermore, an integrated production system where the sugarcane and pigs are two major components, deserves further investigation.
In various reports it has been reported that the CAB can successfully replace the cereal ingredients in diets for pigs from the beginning of the growth phase [9, 11, 12, 19, 29], but not in others [8, 17 ]. The reasons for these contradictory results are unclear, and it has been suggested [17, 21] an inadequate adaptation of the mosaic of intestinal enzymes to utilize dietary sucrose. Following this idea, the differences in body weight of pigs to consume the JCA could be one of the factors that greatly influence on the traits of animal behavior, if the maturation of the small intestine was involved in the variations of productive performance of animals. On knowledge of the authors [8, 9, 11, 17, 20, 21, 29] has not made an assessment under homogeneous conditions, the effect of age and / or body weight of pigs on growth rate during the growing and finishing.
The CAB is composed mainly of sucrose [4] and in this connection have been known digestible energy values of JCA as high as 15.35 Kilojoule / g DM [11, 12], thus explaining the high digestibility of sucrose in growing pigs [16].
It is emphasized that the protein requirements in pigs fed with products of sugar cane, could be lower than those commonly suggested [23], due to the fact that protein supplements in diets of these guys have a better amino acid composition, decreasing and the daily amount of protein to be offered to the animals [15, 28, 32]. He has demonstrated a clear response when the animal growing and finishing pigs were fed with CAB as the sole source of energy, and varying levels of protein from soybean meal, between 150 and 400 g / day [6 ] or even between 160 and 240 g / day [22]. Perhaps the establishment of the feeding system described above with JCA [27] provides clear advantages from the standpoint of cost of production in a tropical environment, where the CAB was given ad libitum to the pigs, and if the complement of the JCA is a restricted amount of high-quality protein, 200 g / day. Bui [6] found ...
This diet made a friend and it works wonderfully POSITION IN JUST 5 DAYS TO 4 INCHES reduced something like 11 Centimeter S, AND YOU ARE JUST noticed at the waist.
Breakfast, lunch and dinner or between meals, ALL WANT TO APPLES AND WATER.
DAY 2:
A green salad, can put you, Lettuce, Tomato, Cucumber, broccoli raw, seasonings with lemon juice or vinegar AND COTTAGE CHEESE TYPE (not that kind of cheese is, I hope to investigate).
A slice of bread with a slice ham turkey.
A slice of bread with a slice ham PAVO
A salad of steamed vegetables, broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, celery. Seasoned with lemon juice.
1 can of tuna in water without water
AN EGG stitching
A slice of bread
Salad vegetables, tomatoes, lettuce, cucumber etc.
A slice of chicken (steak) to the plate ASADO OR WITHOUT CONDIMETOS, Little SAL.
DIET IS APART OF THE WAIST REDUCIRTE also help you to detoxify your body.
APPLES ARE astringent properties and it is therefore recommend to take at least 6 glasses of water a day to avoid a mismatch in the digestive process,
WHILE THIS DIET NO COMAS Agas red meat, OR FATS OR DIETARY Sodas, as it will reduce its impact and is not recommended.
Diet of fruit juice
In addition to detoxify the body, the diet of fruit juice will help you burn fat and lose weight at the same time. It is especially ideal for summer, it helps you recover substances lost by excessive heat.
It is known that zumoss or fruit juices are excellent food, strengthen the body's defenses and increase energy and physical performance.
The fruit juices are easily assimilated by the body, helps to burn fat, making it ideal for those with problems of overweight or those who are making a slimming diet.
Vitamins, minerals and acids that contribute to the body, making fruit juice in food essential.
Properties juices
• Pineapple Juice: pineapple is rich in minerals. Contains an enzyme called briomelina serving as anti-inflammatory and diuretic. Pineapple juice speeds up the digestive process and has antibiotic properties.
• Papaya Juice Contains papain, an enzyme similar to
pepsin produced by the human digestive system, needed to maximize protein and improve the digestive process. Provides vitamins A and C, calcium, iron, magnesium, zinc and carbohydrates and is a source of carotenoids, which prevents damage to the skin caused by free radicals.
• Tamarind Juice. The Tamarind is rich in potassium and less sodium, iron, calcium, magnesium and vitamin C. Some of its components acids block the action of the receptor cells of fat.
Requires 15 or 15 CARROTS GREEN ENGLISH S Zucchini (squash zuccini). NOTE: YOU CAN PUT 8 Zucchini Carrot and 7, O 15 zanahoras squash or 15, depending on what they like, decisions FOR YOU IS THE SAME IS RESULATDO OK.
YOU DECIDE WHAT YOU WILL CLICK ON ALL squares, in a pot to boil BE PUT 16 cups of water once the water this adds THE BOILING VEGETABLES VEGETABLES THIS UNTIL THE WELL Cosida add 3 tablespoons ZUISA KNORR Or chicken broth as you say, NO SE LE PONE SAL.
* ALL THE SOUP THAT WANT to be satisfied
* 1 can of tuna in water, without water
* SALAD tomato, and lettuce all you want, seasoned with a little lemon juice.
* 1 Fish fillet (any kind of fish) ASADO O to the plate without poquitita seasonings and salt.
FISH Rioja can be replaced by 1 can of tuna, is optional.
THIS MENU going to be followed by 4 days.
A friend did it for 5 days AND UNDER 9 POUNDS.
This diet can be made once a month OK.
perhaps on the first day I got a headache, I guess that is what is in the soup, but then pass, do not worry, and good luck
a smoothie of pineapple (1 slice), celery (1 stick), water (half cup), juice of 2 oranges, half tablespoon of honey. (you liquefy everything and take it all)
tea or coffee without sweetening.
2 cups natural apple juice.
(2 picas apples added a glass of water and liquefy it and you take it all).
a glass of grapefruit juice or grapefruit (natural or boat)
a glass of tomato juice natural
a glass of carrot juice natural
half a glass of water without sugar giamaica
At mid-afternoon:
2 cups natural apple juice
(3 spades and add apples and half a glass of water and liquefied natural) you take it all.
2 cups liquid pear and apple
(two apples and two pears chopped with a half glass of water and liquefied natural rioja)
Juice 2 cups strawberries, blackberries or cherrys or raspberry etc. Any or all of these fruits.
If the DA really hungry between meals can only take warm water with a few drops of lemon juice, THIS DIET IS ONLY FOR A DAY AND IS NOT RECOMMENDED FOR PEOPLE WITH gastric problems, osteoporosis or anemia.
Diet: What is the "juice fasting"?
The term comes from fasting speed with which the liquids are digested, spent only a small portion of energy.
People who choose juice fasting, make us different reasons and by different methods.
There are those who follow this diet annually, for a full week as a way to purify the body, according to the annual cycle of nature. There are also those who every month following this ritual of purification, for periods of three or four days. Many of the practitioners usually choose juice fasting, spa's and places of rest or natural treatments for this.
The pure juice of fruits and vegetables contain little or no fiber. Therefore, juice fasters often use, herbs, salt water or other laxatives during the period of fasting, to expel the waste efficiently intestines and colon. Another method is the use of psyllium mixed with the juice. The psyllium and is not absorbed by the body, but increases in volume after absorbing water, it is enough to keep the intestines working.
Typically, around seven or eight days of fasting, is reduced or even eliminated from the diet the consumption of alcohol, nicotine, caffeine, sugar, dairy products, cereals, meat, fish and eggs.
This preparation consists mainly of fruits, vegetables and beans.
It is generally recommended the consumption of 1 to 2 liters of juice per day, during this diet. Should be included fruits and vegetables such as celery, carrot, kale, cabbage, apple, pineapple, raspberries, spinach, beets and other vegetables.
It is also recommended that in addition to the juice, drink during the day, about six glasses of water at room temperature.
Some ingredients commonly used in juice fasting:
Greens and vegetables - celery, cucumber, tomatoes, peppers, broccoli, cabbage, carrot, beet, sweet potato, parsley, kale, spinach
Fruit - grapes, apples, citrus
There are no side effects associated with this diet. However, the juice fasters should take into account the levels of vitamins and nutrients, and take supplements if necessary to maintain these levels of vitamin and balanced with the needs of your body.
Most importantly, NO has an empty stomach nor overstepped EM AMOUNTS, AS BEER IS A GREAT diuretic and therefore helps to eliminate fluids AGENCY favoring DELETE FROM 5 TO 7 POUNDS OF BODY.
NEEDY 12 BOTTLES OF BEER. Or 12 cans of beer
20 or 30 minutes before or after breakfast, lunch and dinner, drink a beer before or after eye ok. ANY BREAKFAST LUNCH OR DINNER BUT BE HEALTHY.
BETWEEN MEALS Just drink a beer.
Or grilled chicken to the plate, chicken broth with vegetables, you want,. PESCADO AND GREEN SALAD, TUNA, steamed vegetables or raw, dressing ONLY OLIVE OIL 100% O VIRGEN OK,
Experts say that a diet based juices should be medicated
Dr. Federico Cruz Mexican, urologist who uses medical treatments based on natural juices, said that jugoterapia is a technique used by doctors or nutritionists naturopaths alternative, but warns: "we must consider that for this kind of therapy has good therapeutic effect, or revitalizing, fruits and vegetables should be ripe, fresh, full, natural and free from chemicals.
Vegetables, in addition to its vitamin and mineral supplements, contain chlorophyll, which has great therapeutic properties, as the result of being assimilated and solar energy, the exchange between oxygen and carbon dioxide.
The variety of juices and drinks is important for balance, especially when they relate to the seasons. Thus, we must seasons or preventive preparation are spring and fall, so during those seasons should ingest foods that nature gives us to prepare the body to climate change with their disease burden, as the flu or colds, bronchitis, pneumonia and other in winter, or the typical summer conditions, such as intestinal infections, allergies, dehydration, etc..
There are fruits that we are special components for purifying and detoxifying the body, like the natural juices of grapes, apples, zanahora, orange, seasonal mango, peach and blackberry, the duration of the detoxification is from 5 to 12 days to clear with a low residue diet and natural, said Cruz.
A combination that is excellent for lowering cholesterol is the grapefruit with celery, parsley and Savile, orange juice with brewer's yeast, and celery is a remineralizar and vitaminizar the body, is a fortifying the juice of carrots, celery, eggplant, parsley, watercress, red onion and garlic, for cleaning the body should combine pineapple, celery and spinach, another restorer and cleaner of the body are the grapes, blackberries, spinach or watercress.
According to Cross' the importance of the juices of the vegetables, herbs and fruits is to cleanse the body of toxins and run properly every organ of the body. " Therefore suggested to integrate a diet high consumption of fruit juices to reduce various problems and ailments.
The specialists in natural treatments indicated that when choosing fruit juice is recommended to take into account the base liquid, ie for its digestion in the small intestine, such as: sugar, starch and the fats, which are degraded and then absorbed by the liver. Meanwhile, juice the vegetables help prevent constipation, like some fruit (excluding dried). Cross recommended that the form of juice is eating slowly or sip a drink, always seeking to retain the delight in the mouth for a moment and when mixed with the enzyme from the salivary glands to initiate digestion. "All juices are nutritious and the most appropriate way to take it one hour before breakfast or two to three hours after the meal, never with food."
He warned that there are therapies based solely juices without additional food, but we recommend the supervision of a nutritionist or naturopathic physician alternative, to know the exact quantity, indication, use, frequency and duration of treatment.
Squeeze vegetables and fruits is not only easy to implement but is also a source of health.